Kshema Home Insurance Policy

A Kshema product

The Kshema Home Insurance Policy is a comprehensive property insurance policy that protects your home building and its contents from losses due to unexpected events.

Protect your home and home content from:

Protect your home and home content from:

Policy Documents

Frequently Asked Questions

You can apply through Kshema app from your registered mobile number or through Kshema web-application.

If you are using an Android mobile phone, go to the Play Store, type “Kshema app”, select and download to install. Register on the app.

You can purchase the Kshema Bharat Griha Raksha policy if you are the owner, authorized occupier, landlord, or tenant of a residential building. Coverage is available for home contents if you own or are responsible for the items. Commercial activities require a different policy.

Explosion or Implosion
Earthquake, volcanic eruption, or other convulsions of nature
Storm, Cyclone, Typhoon, Tempest, Hurricane, Tornado, Tsunami, Flood and Inundation
Subsidence of the land on which Your Home Building stands, Landslide, Rockslide
Bush fire, Forest fire, Jungle fire
Impact damage of any kind, i.e., damage caused by impact of, or collision caused by any external physical object (e.g. vehicle, falling trees, aircraft, wall etc.)
Missile testing operations
Riot, Strikes, Malicious Damages
Acts of terrorism
Bursting or overflowing of water tanks, apparatus and pipes.
Leakage from automatic sprinkler installations.
Theft within 7 (seven)days from the occurrence of and proximately caused by any of the above Insured Events.

Sum insured is based on the market value of the property, when filling out the proposal form, provide the Sum Insured for Home Building, General Contents (up to ₹10 lakh), Valuable Contents, and also specify the Sum Insured for Loss of Rent (if a landlord) or Rent for Alternate Accommodation (if a tenant), including the relevant periods.

Yes, you can cancel your policy at any time by giving us notice or by writing to us through the Kshema app.

You should immediately intimate the loss through the Kshema app or by email to customer.support@kshema.co.

The surveyors or representatives are appointed to inspect the loss or damage to Your Home Building and/or Home Contents, and to take measurements, samples, damaged items or parts, and photographs that are relevant.

  • The policy copy,
  • Details of report to the policy that you made,
  • Details of report to any Fire and Legal authorities that you made,
  • Details of the Insured Event,
  • Particulars of any other insurance of your home building or any of your home contents,
  • Details of loss or damage under any optional cover or Add-ons,
  • Submit photographs of loss or physical damage, wherever possible.
  • all information, books of accounts, and other documents to Kshema,
  • claim form

One can purchase Bharat Griha Raksha for up to 10 years of the policy period.

No. The Bharat Griha Raksha policy does not have the feature of automatic renewal of the policy. So, to continue services, you must renew the policy before its expiry.

You must pay premium in advance. The insurance cover begins only after We receive Your premium.

Available under the policy on payment of additional premium.

  • Cover for Valuable Contents on Agreed Value Basis
  • Personal Accident Cover

In case of Your death before receiving the claim amount, We will pay it to Your Nominee/Legal Representatives. Please register Your nominee with Us so that the claim is settled speedily.

You can contact Kshema agent or our customer support or our company’s website for information on this product including whether it is available online, call insurer’s call centre or contact our office near to You.

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